For more than a few years now, Hollywood has flirted with remaking the 1968 kitschy sci-fi sex flick Barbarella. There was the story that had Rose McGowan starring in the new version, directed by Robert Rodriguez. There was the story about a Megan Fox vs. Angelina Jolie showdown for the title role. Jane Fonda herself chimed in and recommended Kate Bosworth for the part. Lindsay Lohan was even said to be in the running–but when it comes to Lindsay you can’t believe everything you read, can you?
The Barbarella remake project is, if not dead, extremely sleepy. Yet just as the jaws of defeat are closing in, Kim Kardashian shows up looking a lot like victory. She has designed bikinis for Beach Bunny Swimwear (remember them?) and she says on her blog that “My Divinity Collection was inspired by Jane Fonda in the movie Barbarella, where she plays a super-sci-fi-sexy Queen of the Galaxy!”
We vote for Kim over the other candidates mentioned above. (We also voted for Kim to replace Angelina as Tomb Raider. And we voted for Kim in Alaska’s Senate race, as a write-in candidate. None of it means a lot.)
Those of you who only know Jane Fonda as Georgia Rule or Monster-in-Law may be scratching your heads–Jane Fonda hot? We have a couple things to say to that. First, stop watching chick flicks, you wuss. Second, Jane Fonda was indeed hot, very hot, in 1968. And the movie itself, though crappy, was hot, too. Consider that the bad guy puts her in a machine that is supposed to kill her with pleasure–death by orgasm–and she breaks the machine.

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