Something about this photoshoot strikes me as odd. And I mean aside from Maryna Linchuk breastfeeding a plastic baby, Constance Jablonski in ski goggles and denim hot pants, and Dree Hemingway mounting a car bonnet in the trashiest of leopard print ensembles... No, the question I'm asking here, V Magazine, is what exactly are you selling?
The answer would seem to be, magazines. With it's faux paparazzi setups and none-too-subtle parodies this is fashion as entertainment, not as inspiration. So we may not be buying the clothes but hey, fashion doesn't have to be serious all the time.
Entire Article: Read it by clicking Footballers' Wives: V brings the entertainment value.
Related Pictures (15 in total): See them by clicking Footballers' Wives: V Magazine issue 66 (NSFW) or read up on 2010 hair trends if you're not keen on the pictures.
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Tags: football,world cup,V Magazine,Eniko Mihalik