Remember this name: Desiree Elyda Villalobos. This young, exotically beautiful, and improbably proportioned model, caught our eye — and we don’t have a hell of a lot else to say. We were blown away by some pictures; we decided to ask her some questions. Enjoy — and remember the name.
Look at her. Just look at her! Are you fucking kidding? Whoa. Get on the Desiree train now, boys. It’s going places.
Hometown: The beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.
Current location: Vancouver.
Measurements: 40G-25-41
I think my best physical feature is: Shoulders, bum and eyebrows.
Men say my best physical feature is: Well, what do you think? Ha!
Tattoos?: I am 100% ink-free. You don’t put a bumper sticker on a Bentley.
Sexiest woman ever: Sofia Vergara. Do I even have to explain? She’s Latina, gorgeous, funny, a fellow thick eyebrow entusiast and has the breasts and backside of a mystical goddess.
Sexiest man ever: Charlie Hunnam. Goodness — where do I even begin? My lifetime crush for Charlie Hunnam began when I first saw him as the skinny dude, Lloyd Haythe, in Undeclared. Over the years I remained a fan as I noticed his talent of diversity in his roles and the way his personality shines through in his interviews. The cherry on top of all that is he wears Nike Infrareds. Charlie, if you ever read this get at me. I’d love to pick your brain and cook you dinner. Maybe breakfast, if you’re lucky.
My best trait is: My consideration for others and observation of my surroundings.
My worst habit is: Using curse words as adjectives.
I wish more men would: Read books, read The Globe & Mail, watch the news, dress better, not listen to only top 40 and be honest.
The key to my heart is: Bonding with me through a deep conversation, preferably one that’s from our mutual adoration of music.
Compliment me on: My personality, my spirit and the way I make you feel.
How much should a man groom his private parts?: I don’t particularly have a preference for men. A little man-scaping doesn’t hurt though.
My grooming down there: Wouldn’t you like to know…
Favorite style of panties: I love seamless booty shorts.
What I like in a bra: Something that gives me a lot of “oomph.” But I also need something that can hold me in while I hit the gym.
Pet name for my boobs: Well, I’m not a 14 year old boy so, sorry, I don’t have pet names for my body parts.
When it comes to my body, please do: Smell my hair, caress my lower back while you kiss my neck and hold me close.
When it comes to my body, please do not: Invade my personal space unless I invite you to do so.
Most important rule or rules of bedroom etiquette: Communicate with your partner and don’t mutter your sexy/dirty talk. Your naughty and sweet talk is supposed to turn me on. I want to hear it. Be assertive, forward and — a little — forceful.
Desiree-Elyda for GEMINI from patrick moore on Vimeo.
Physical feature I like to show off: My shoulders.
The sexiest outfit I will wear in public: I believe in simplicity being sexy. For example a little black cocktail dress worn properly with the right heels. Or my over-sized Morbid Angel t-shirt, cut off jean shorts and woven leather ballet flats.
Something I will wear in the bedroom if you are deserving: If you are deserving I’ll wear nothing in the bedroom for you.
A superficial thing I am attracted to: Well dressed men with nice white teeth and great shoes.
My favorite physical feature on a man: Strong hands and a great bum.
My favorite trait in a man: Consideration, great communication skills and drive.
A man will impress me if: He knows more about music and art than I do and cares about someone other than himself.
A man will turn me on if: He gives me the right look at the right time and looks me directly in the eyes when we speak.
A man will disappoint me if: He lies to me.
The simplest thing you can do to make me happy is: Tell me about your day or how you are truly feeling. Knowing you can confide in me and that we have a mutual bond is the most rewarding thing.
I will not even give you a second look if: I hear you disrespecting someone or talking behind a person’s back. And if you wear ugly shoes.
Something stupid men do or say when they first meet me: Stare at my breasts.
I will sleep with you when: We are in a committed relationship and you love me.
I will never sleep with you if: We are not in a committed relationship and you don’t love me.
Don’t you dare: Talk about me like you know me.
The best date I ever had: Wasn’t really a date. We went for a long walk and had amazing conversations and rolled around in the grass together kissing and laughing.
I am the ideal woman because: I will let you be your own man. I have a life of my own and don’t feel the need to identify with someone on multiple levels in order to be a complete person. Regardless, one day I dream of meeting a man, falling in love and sharing our lives together while also maintaining a strong sense of separate identities. Oh, and I’m a damn good cook too!
I am not the ideal woman because: I am very career driven and revel in solitude for the most part. I need my alone time to read, reflect, write and draw. If you can’t handle not being showered with adoration by me at all hours of the day then we cannot be together. Learn to be okay with being alone, then you can be a part of my life. Although I will not be your crutch I will always be there for you when you need me. I’m dependable like no other.
I am the best in the world at: Loving a person genuinely. And I’m the best at one more thing, but I feel it’s too inappropriate to discuss in public.
I need a man who can: I don’t need a man — I just need myself. I would, however, like a man who can fix things around the house, go camping with me in the wilderness, be physically active with me and sit down with me for hours talking about music, current affairs, global issues and art.
In my opinion, astrology is: Fairly accurate, but I think it’s something we make ourselves believe for the most part. It’s so vague.
If you come to my house, don’t criticize: My tacky decorations. I love floral print, taxidermy and bones.
The last movie that made me laugh: I just watched Foot Fist Way for the hundredth time. That movie is great. Danny McBride is hilarious.
The last movie that made me cry: Foot Fist Way. I laughed so hard I cried.
My philosophy of love: Love with your entire heart and never let the fear of getting hurt deter you from taking a chance.
My philosophy of sex: It’s a personal choice as to how you want to live your sex life. Six months ago I made the personal choice of being celibate. I’m not sure when I’ll ever have sex again but I can say that when I do it will be with someone I love and who loves me in return. I feel sex is the closest way you can communicate with a person. Before humans evolved into the homosapien form we are now, we were not able to speak. We could only connect and communicate on physical terms through touching, smelling et cetera. To me, sex feels like it truly is capable of being the ultimate connection of spirit between two humans.
My philosophy of life: Don’t put off for tomorrow things we can accomplish today. Conquer your challenges but keep in mind to be courteous and humble along the way. Never lose your humility.
I should be on the cover of Playboy because: I want to change the world for the better. I just need a few people to help me along the way. Will you?
See that? Desiree Elyda Villalobos wants your help. You can start by following her on Twitter, liking her on Facebook, watching her on YouTube, peeping her on Tumblr, and constantly checking for new sexy pictures on Model Mayhem.